Amazing Grace (remix)
Most of my iTunes playlist is dance/techno/trance/electronica music. It helps fuel my workouts and provides the aural caffeine I need sometimes to get going. But I amaze myself at how quickly I get bored of songs. I'll download a song from iTunes and think it's really snap (like my current favorite, Goldfrapp "Number 1")
...but after a couple hundred plays in my Scion CD player or my iShuffle, I'm ready for something new. I got to thinking seriously about this, especially as I reach a certain number in my "Purchased Music" list that I'm ashamed to admit here, and the verse popped into my mind, "Sing to the Lord a new song." (Psalm 96:1). God gets tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again too. Yet, how often do I repeat rote phrases in my prayers to Him and sing hymns to Him that I've sung for years? He wants something new and fresh from me... He wants a new song. Jesus is always doing something new and great in my life... I need to focus on that and sing it back to him. That's what I've been trying to do lately...mix it up a bit. His amazing grace can be expressed in so many different ways. So in the spirit of mixing it up, check out this dance remix of "Amazing Grace"
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