What's Inside A TV?
In today's video podcast we break open a TV to look at all its circuit board guts and brains, then we smash it... just to see what happens. Remember kids, don't try this at home!
Gutted TV Podcast
Personal blog of a 37-year old married guy who works as a technology trainer in Virginia
In today's video podcast we break open a TV to look at all its circuit board guts and brains, then we smash it... just to see what happens. Remember kids, don't try this at home!
...I get a speeding ticket. Last year it was the first day of Spring Break. This year it's two days before Spring Break. I don't know if it's spring fever or just the music I listen too. Tonight I was listening to "The Devil's Right Hand"
A fellow TRT and I were brainstorming ideas for student-created podcasts. One was the historical interview (see below) and another was a poetry jam. I actually don't know what a poetry jam is, but I just assumed it was putting your poetry to music. So I wrote a poem about something that is near and dear to my heart (multitasking) and put it to a dance beat. It took about 20 tries because I kept forgetting my lines... so if I sound a little "off" ... that's why (actually I just don't know how to sing).
This is the third episode in the thrilling TRT series which describes my job responsibilities. Here I model teaching the students how to use the AppleWorks database I created based on the teacher's ideas. Don't be expecting Episode 4 in this series anytime soon. I never got around to making it. I actually didn't make it to a lot of other podcasts I was supposed to create because the Poetry Jam one (which I am posting next) took up so much time. So Jenn, I apologize for NOT making the ESL podcast OR the math tutorial podcast OR the field trip interview podcast... but I'm just wondering how many podcasts YOU created??
In this second installment of my podcast series describing the duties of a TRT (Technology Resource Trainer) I show how I develop a lesson combining the teacher's ideas with technology. Here I've developed a database in AppleWorks.
This is the first in a series of podcasts which I am posting to explain the different parts of my job as a TRT (Technology Resource Trainer). In this example I demonstrate meeting with a teacher to discuss an upcoming technology lesson.
In this podcast I demonstrate how students could create an online interview with a famous person to review with their classmates. One student acts as the interviewer and the other student acts as the historical character. Here, we interview Christopher Columbus.